Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Thank you for choosing Filesity for your digital file transactions. We understand that sometimes, issues may arise with the digital files you purchase. Please review our refund policy below for more information.

Refund for Incorrect or Misrepresented Files

If you encounter any problems with the digital file you bought, such as it not being as described or containing errors, we offer a refund option. Please contact us within 24 hours of the purchase, and we'll work to resolve the issue promptly.

Understanding the Policy

By making a purchase on Filesity, you acknowledge and agree to this refund policy for situations where the digital file is incorrect or misrepresented. Please ensure you reach out to us within 24 hours if you encounter any problems.


If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy or any other aspect of our platform, please contact us. We're here to help and ensure you have a smooth experience on Filesity.