About us

At Filesity, we're on a mission to make it easier for users to monetize their digital files. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to earn a fair price for their digital creations, whether it's music, photography, design, or other types of content.

Our platform allows users to sell their digital files for cryptocurrency, providing a secure and convenient way to receive payments without having to deal with traditional banking systems. With our fast payout system, users can receive their earnings fast after a sale, making it easy to access their funds and reinvest in their creative endeavors.

We're committed to providing a safe and reliable platform for users to buy and sell digital files. Our team is constantly working to improve our platform and enhance our security measures to protect our users' data and transactions.

Whether you're a content creator looking to monetize your work or a cryptocurrency enthusiast looking for new ways to invest and earn, Filesity is the perfect platform for you. Join us today and start selling your digital files with ease!