Software Twitter Questions / Sentences Bot
Twitter Questions / Sentences Bot

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This script is a sophisticated Twitter bot, designed to automatically generate and post questions on Twitter related to various topics. It's ideal for maintaining an active and engaging social media presence, particularly for users interested in stirring up discussions and trends on Twitter.

Key Features:

  1. Automated Question Generation: Utilizes OpenAI's GPT-4 model to generate interesting, topical questions for Twitter posts.
  2. Hashtag Integration: Extracts and includes relevant hashtags in each tweet to enhance visibility and engagement.
  3. Customizable Topics: Allows users to set their preferred topics for questions, making the content tailored and relevant.
  4. Automated Posting: Seamlessly posts the generated questions to Twitter, maintaining an active profile without manual intervention.
  5. Configurable Post Intervals: The bot can be set to post at regular intervals, ensuring a steady stream of content.


  • Python Environment: Must have Python installed to run the script.
  • API Keys: Requires API keys for both Twitter (via Tweepy) and OpenAI.
  • Tweepy Library: Necessary for Twitter integration.
  • OpenAI Access: Requires access to OpenAI's GPT-4 for question generation.
  • Regular Internet Connection: Needed for accessing Twitter and OpenAI services.

How to Run:

  1. Setup API Keys: Input your Twitter and OpenAI API keys in the configuration file.
  2. Configure Topics and Intervals: Customize the list of topics and the interval between tweets in the configuration file.
  3. Run the Script: Execute the script in a Python environment. The bot will start generating and posting tweets automatically.

This Twitter Questions Bot is perfect for influencers, marketers, or anyone looking to boost their Twitter engagement with minimal effort. It's a smart investment for those looking to stay ahead in the dynamic world of social media.

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