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Starting an online business and becoming financially independent is now arealistic proposition for anyone who has a computer and internet access. Ofthe many different ways to go about doing this, some will provide a goodreturn for your efforts, but unfortunately, many online businesses just do notsucceed, and people operating them fail to earn enough to make itworthwhile. There are many instances where someone has written an eBookand published it, or opened an online retail store, only to find there are nobuyers. The only way to make money anywhere is to have payingcustomers; the trick is how to get them. There are a few good ways to getcustomers or traffic to your website, and this book is about successfullyproven strategies that you can use to build a long term passive income fromthe internet. Some of the things that worked a few years ago are no longerviable because the internet is always changing, growing and evolving. With3.5 billion existing customers using the net daily and another 3 billionpotential customers in Africa, India, China and the rest of Asia, the sky isthe limit for new businesses and an unlimited income source. Now is theperfect time to catch the so- called "gravy train," but you need traffic,quality content and to be prepared to do the necessary work (often quite alot of work). But just doing the work is no guarantee of success; you have tobe working in the right areas and doing the right things.Living from a "passive income" as it is called, is a term now used todescribe the income people receive from the internet. It is called passiveincome because in theory most of the work is pre-done, and then you just sitback and reap the benefits of your labor with little work involved. Inpractice, any online business will require ongoing maintenance, the amountneeded depends on the site, its application and the product you aresupplying. There are many different styles of internet businesses rangingfrom those that require a daily input to some that are totally automated.
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